Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The beauty of the human spirit

I believe truly that the human spirit is good. I know that we see on a constant daily basis that people are killing each other, stealing and hurting each other. But when it all comes down to it, there are over 300 million people that we share this country with...and over 6.8 billion that we share this planet with. Sometimes, it is hard to focus on the good because we are too obsessed with the bad...and why is that?
I will be the first to say that I am far from perfect. I live my life with the hope of inspiring others, and I try to do good by helping, supporting, and protecting others. But how many times have I fallen short..and hurt, disobeyed, and even ruined someone's day. It's hard for me to face, but at the same time, I know that in my human nature, I am going to really mess up. The beauty in that is that I have the chance to redeem myself, and show who I truly am. I have had moments where I felt the whole world had turned on me, and felt that I truly deserved that. But I know that with God, I am able to be seen for more than just those mistakes. I can be seen for who I truly am, my true character.
I hope that people realize that we're all human, we all make mistakes, even the most perfect people do things that they regret. I hope that we can begin to see all of the BEAUTY of the world, of the lives we live. There are SO many people who would be truly genuine friends, if we only give them the chance. I want my outlook to be more open, so that I can continue to explore the world and all of the amazing people that inhabit it.
The beauty of Jesus Christ-this is truly an amazing and unique way to portray and show the beauty of what Jesus did, and his life's impact on the world-in a way no other human could.

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