Saturday, July 10, 2010

what do fire, water, earth, and joy all have in common?

my trip to lake carroll today that I'm about to take with one of my best friends.

It is amazing how God made his earth so beautifully, yet the joy from looking at the lake and fishing and building a fire is all so simple.

nothing is greater than the great outdoors and a camera. more to come.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Make the best of everything.

I want to change the world. Not just in that stereotypical way. I mean CHANGE it. I want to see people love each other unconditionally and mean it-I want to help end extreme poverty and hunger. I want kindness to abound, because in the end, only kindness matters. I am a creature of pure passion. I love Jesus Christ. I love my family. I love my friends. I love to be adventurous, taking any opportunity that comes my way. You only live once. I love running, jumping, biking, swimming. I love taking pictures and creating unforgettable memories. I love the wind in my face when I'm riding a jetski, my bike, jumping off a 100 foot cliff into the water, or just running as fast as I can. I love open fields full of dandelions with the sun shining fully on it in the summer. I love the way the leaves change colors and fall in the Fall, and the time it takes me back to when I see it. I love the way the snow falls in the winter and makes the whole world beautiful and sparkle. I love the smell of fresh cut grass in the Spring, and walking onto the track to get into the blocks for my race. I love my life and all the lessons I've learned and have yet to learn. I know that I have made mistakes and will make 1,000,000 more. But thats the way it it is:)